Pipestone County is delegated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to administer portions of the State Feedlot Program including registration, permitting, inspections, education & assistance, and compliant follow-up. This delegation allows for a smooth registration and permitting process for most feedlot owners.
Check out more from the https://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/feedlots
Manure Pit - Funding for projects similar to this can come from State/Federal/Local funding sources.
Permits are required for any structure used for:
as well as, permanent manure storage structures and animal increases. A permit allows a proposed change, requires a fee, and has an expiration date. Some townships do require a permit prior to construction. Be sure too check with your township.
If you live in or near city limits, a variance may be required to determine whether or not a feedlot is allowed. Regardless, feedlots need a permit from the Pipestone County Zoning office when:
In addition to any potential County permits, large feedlots with 1000 animal units or more require a Federal and State permit issued by the State. The MN Pollution Control Agency has guidance for when such a permit is required. Click below for more information:
Registration is required when a property contains 50 animal units or more. There is no fee for registration. Click below for registration information:
MANURE SPILL? Contact the Duty Officer ASAP!
Manure management and application plans are an important part of owning or operating a feedlot in Pipestone County. The proper management and use of manure has a positive impact in improving crop soil nutrients and also in protecting air and water quality.
What are manure management plans?
A manure management plan shows how the manure generated at a feedlot during the upcoming cropping year(s) is planned to be utilized so that the benefits of applying manure to cropland are maximized while the rules and regulations are met to protect surface and groundwater quality. Manure land application records account for how the manure generated was utilized. Manure land application records are required for feedlots with 100 or more animal units.
Manure management plans must meet the requirements of the State of Minnesota. In general, plans must include: manure storage, handling and testing practices, field locations and acreage used for spreading manure, field specific nutrient management, and sensitive areas management.
Field application of manure must meet State and County requirements to avoid over-application and runoff that reaches surface water. Short-term manure stockpiling is allowed as long as it meets the definition of "Short Term" and is placed properly.
Manure test kits are available through our office. We also offer FREE manure spreader calibrations. Talk to Lance to learn more about this service!